Mosaic-Disease-Resistible Cassava

Cassava Mosaic Disease must be a major problem for cassava farmers that causes severe damage if there is no good management, no choosing qualified stem, and no prevention of disease and whiteflies. From the study in experimental fields more than 6 years by Mr. Sakol Chaisri, a researcher from Lop-Buri Research Station, Faculty of Agriculture, Kasetsart University, he can plant mosaic-disease-resistible cassavas which is 100% Thai variety and can resist mosaic disease up to 90% by leaving infected only just 10%. This variety can produce fresh root yields 5.2 tons per rai with the average starch percentage in fresh root of 30.6%. For further information, please contact Lop-Buri Research Station, Faculty of Agriculture, Kasetsart University. Tel. 09-8368-2958.