Kasetsart University and update on cassava varieties with resistance to cassava mosaic disease
Kasetsart University and update on cassava varieties with resistance to cassava mosaic disease Kasetsart University has developed cassava varieties that are resistant to cassava mosaic disease (CMD) and evaluated CMD-resistant varieties by encouraging farmers to use CMD-resistant varieties and clean seed stems to control CMD. Dr. Chalermpol Phumichai, Dr. Wanwisa Siriwan and Dr. Wannasiri Wannarat, researchers from the Faculty of Agriculture, have collected CMD-resistant varieties and commercial varieties in Thailand for testing to obtain CMD-resistant varieties. Currently, they have obtained the Thai CMD-resistant variety “MKUC 58-179-4”. Its strengths include high resistance to CMD, and quite high starch percentage and yield. This variety has cultivated in testing plots in 2 areas. It is anticipated that the seed stems of CMD-resistant variety would be available for distribution to farmers in about 2 years from now. For further information, please contact the Faculty of Agriculture, Kasetsart University, Tel 0-2579-0588, 0-2579-6130, Facebook: Tapioca Development Institute.
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