The cultivation of cherry tomato 154

The cultivation of cherry tomato 154 in a greenhouse environment requires a lot of effort but can be profitable if done right. Several factors including water, nutrition, and greenhouse environmental conditions affect the cultivation of cherry tomatoes grown a greenhouse. The research team from the Center for Agricultural Biotechnology (CAB), Kasetsart University, Kamphaeng Saen campus have developed a crop management system that has been fine-tuned and proven to maximize the potential for cherry tomato variety154 (Cherry154) production. We developed a manual that includes the precise requirements for cherry tomato production resulting in harvest at 80-85 days from planting with 10-15day intervals for each harvest thereafter. Cherry154 has a sweet and slightly sour flavor and can be consumed as fruity vegetable. For further information please contact Dr. Pumiphat Tongyu at the Center for Agricultural Biotechnology, Kasetsart University, Kamphaeng Saen campus, Nakorn Pathom Province. Tel. office: 034353217-20 or mobile: 091-774-0091

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